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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »IQFeed Developer Support »set protocol 5.1
Author Topic: set protocol 5.1 (5 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
Posts: 19
Joined: Jul 4, 2013

Posted: Aug 21, 2013 12:55 AM          Msg. 1 of 5

I have updated to the new beta. If I set the protocol to 5.1 it seems that the HTT response does not have the millisecond information, like it was in 4.9.

Maybe it is an error in my part, but it seems strange, switching to the string "5.0" all goes well as before.


-DTN Guru-
Posts: 2096
Joined: Nov 21, 2005

Posted: Aug 21, 2013 08:27 AM          Msg. 2 of 5
I'm not able to duplicate this internally. When switching to the 5.1 protocol, are you getting the S,CURRENT PROTOCOL,5.1 confirmation message returned?

-Interested User-
Posts: 19
Joined: Jul 4, 2013

Posted: Aug 21, 2013 08:35 AM          Msg. 3 of 5
I have tested now. I receive a confirmation message about 5.1 and then, when I do the request this is the anwer

The exception is because I do not have the milliseconds in the date/time part.

I will investigate more about this, in the meantime I fall back to 5.0


[882392] Sending request HIT,@ESU13,60,20130821 092800,,,,,1,HIT$1 to the socket
[738281] The client has not been able to process HIT$1,2013-08-21 09:29:00,1647.00,1646.50,1646.75,1646.75,173884,922,0, I quit!
at com.mfg.dfs.iqfeed.IqFeedClient$HistorySocketListener._getUnparsedBarFromHixHidHitLine(IqFeedClient.java:734)
at com.mfg.dfs.iqfeed.IqFeedClient$HistorySocketListener.processLine(IqFeedClient.java:653)
at com.mfg.utils.socket.SimpleSocketTextClient.runMainLoop(SimpleSocketTextClient.java:191)
at com.mfg.utils.socket.SimpleSocketTextClient$DPThread.run(SimpleSocketTextClient.java:161)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[391933] The request is finished!

-DTN Guru-
Posts: 2096
Joined: Nov 21, 2005

Posted: Aug 21, 2013 08:49 AM          Msg. 4 of 5
That request is for intervals rather than ticks. Intervals have never had milliseconds on the time field.

However, in the 5.1 protocol, we did add a new field to the end of the result message (the "0," in your trace) which is probably what is causing your exception. Note that the new field will only be populated in tick interval requests.
Edited by DTN_Steve_S on Aug 21, 2013 at 08:50 AM

-Interested User-
Posts: 19
Joined: Jul 4, 2013

Posted: Aug 21, 2013 08:53 AM          Msg. 5 of 5
sorry, my fault, I confused the HIT with the other message and the exception which I got mislead me.

I see now the other field. Thanks.


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