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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »Data and Content Support »Quarterly Earnings
Author Topic: Quarterly Earnings (66 messages, Page 2 of 3)

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Posted: Oct 26, 2004 02:14 PM          Msg. 31 of 66
Hi Jay,

We are missing ALL the 3rd quarter Earnings!! Would please send me anything you have. It is far to HARD to get the data from Yahoo. e-mail: D2Bike@Juno.com


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Posted: Oct 29, 2004 12:23 PM          Msg. 32 of 66
Do you still work for DTN.. You have not entered messages for a few days..
As a Spectrum user I still am VERY DISAPPOINTED about not having the earnings and
income information reinstalled as of yet.. I am amused that you had time to add the
code for all of the pretty colors instead of adding functionality, now my screens look as
pretty as a French whore..
Keep those improvements coming..

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Posted: Oct 29, 2004 12:50 PM          Msg. 33 of 66
Yes Gene. I work here still. I appologize to you personally for taking a couple days off (I am replying while on vacation). RTT is still working on the formatting for the earnings tables. I am glad that you are amused about the color changes. While I know you are sarcastic, I have to assume you are also intelligent enough to know that we have more than one employee and thus we have various teams that work on different development projects. Changes to code (and colors) on our receiver have no impact on the time it takes to get you earnings tables.

The earnings tables will be available when they are ready. Posting condescending comments towards me or DTN isn't going to make it happen any faster. I think you would have difficulty finding a company (or person) who is willing to work as hard as they are for the handful of people
requesting we re-add this content. I listen because I want all of our customers to be happy. In the mean time, we also will work on enhancements the remainder of our 100,000 customers request.

Have a great Holloween weekend Gene.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Nov 1, 2004 05:03 PM          Msg. 34 of 66

You mentioned in your reply to Gene that it will take time for RTT to format the earnings tables, and that it is being done to benefit "a handful of people" who use DTN for that purpose.
It is probably an unscientific way to see the issue, but the topic of the earnings tables has generated the largest number of responses and the second largest number under viewed topics in your forum list. If RTT wants to truely respond to its customers who have clearly looked at the topic and responded to your requests, they would finish the job. I, for one, have NO OTHER use for DTN other than the earnings tables.
ALSO, RTT should offer us a three month extension of our subscriptions to make up for the quarterly earnings season we have just lost to their dropping of this service which you feel only benefits "a handful of subscribers." That same handful who rank either #1 or 2 in replies and viewed topics.

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Posted: Nov 1, 2004 11:16 PM          Msg. 35 of 66
Well said, Steve. I agree. We have gone to other (actually much better!) sources. As a wise person told me years ago "Things usually happen for the better -- you just don't know it at the time!" We should have reviewed DTN long ago but laziness got in the way. Now they have forced us to it and I'm kinda glad they did... But I do think a 30 day warning would have been a professional courtesy (rather than just suddenly dropping the service with *no* notice as they did) to allow smooth migration. Truth is, DTN was never a really "professional" service (like Thomson or Bloomberg or the old Quotron), which is fine: it is a public or retail service for sophisticated users who don't mind the fees and don't know how to find the info free on the internet (GOOGLE anyone?) and who don't want the Signal service or PSM Gold. So no hard feelings. I wish them all the best. One more thing for the record: I remember some years ago DTN unilaterally changed the layout of the Company Earnings pages with no warning. I think they took one character out of the name field to make room for the "*" or something and shifted all the remaining fields 1 byte left or right. This crashed the parser I wrote. Yes, I should have done a better job with the parser but hey... I called and got the same kind of answer we're getting now: "tough luck, we know what's best" plus lots'a excuses from a marketing guy (mighta been Jay). I should'a taken this as a warning and migrated away then, but hey... My guess is the earnings pages will never be restored, Jay's promises notwithstanding. Like I say: I wish them all the best...

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Posted: Nov 2, 2004 03:10 PM          Msg. 36 of 66
Here is the current test file I have received from RTT. There are still a few formatting issues, as well as some changes RTT needs to make internally before delivering the files live. I said I would post any updates as I get them, and I received this about 30 minutes ago. Just wanted to provide what I have for the "non-believers" out there.

Sciclone Pharmaceutic SCLN ($0.11) ($0.07) $4.91 $2.85 $5.89 $5.65
Lubrizol LZ $0.73 $0.48 $43.0 $24.3 $922.6 $509.9
O'charley's CHUX $0.22 $0.15 $4.1 $3.4 $200.3 $181.7
Tasty Baking TBC $0.03 ($0.18) $0.2 ($1.4) $62.7 $60.8
Kinetic Concepts Inc KCI $0.46 $0.28 $32.8 $16.2 $257.2 $198.0
Humana Inc. HUM $0.52 $0.38 $84.30 $62.12 $3170 $3110
Encore Medical Corp. ENMC $0.03 ($0.20) $1.28 ($4.72) $30.56 $27.28
Sysco Corp. SYY $0.35 $0.32 $225.9 $208.8 $7500 $7100
Valero L.p. VLI $0.78 $0.82 $17.90 $18.54 $58.07 $51.69
Backweb Technologies BWEB ($0.04) ($0.06) ($1.6) ($2.5) $1.18 $1.75
First Health Group FHCC $0.30 $0.42 $27.6 $40.7 $218.4 $219
Pan American Silver PAAS $0.05 ($0.02) $3.3 ($1.2) $27.4 $11.9
Glamis Gold Ltd GLG $0.02 $0.02 $2.8 $3.4 $21.0 $19.0
Martin Marietta Mater MLM $1.11 $0.93 $54.0 $45.5 $448.7 $442.8
Stillwater Mining SWC $0.05 ($0.02) $4.4 ($1.6) $144.6 $66.6
Invision INVN $0.38 $0.50 $8.3 $9.3 $85.3 $86.1
Littelfuse LFUS $0.49 $0.19 $11.3 $4.1 $135.9 $94.7
Ccc Information Servi CCCG $0.29 $0.23 $7.1 $6.4 $49.1 $48.6
Administaff ASF $0.14 $0.31 $3.6 $8.4 $235.9 $217.8
Maxim Integrated Prod MXIM 0.42 0.25 144.5 87.4 435.1 310.2
Maxim Integrated Prod MXIM 0.42 0.25 144.5 87.4 435.1 310.2
Otter Tail OTTR $0.42 $0.37 $11.0 $9.7 $222.3 200.9
Metal Management MTLM $1.40 $0.34 $34.1 $7.49 $425 $230
Protein Design Labs PDLI ($0.13) ($0.20)($12.6) ($18.6) $19.8 $9.3
Sws Group Inc SWS $1.11 $0.07 $19 $1.3 $88.6 $63.8
Document Sciences DOCX $0.04 ($0.09) $0.21 ($0.34) $6.04 $4.58

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Nov 2, 2004 04:58 PM          Msg. 37 of 66
Hi Jay,

Thank you, Thank you. It looks real GOOD. However, I could not get the lines to line-up when I exported the file to a text file. (Perhaps, I have to look at it as an *.HTML file and then export it to a text file.) Thanks for writing. I was beginning to wonder if anything was being done. Look'n Good, so far. (I even tried to copy from this forum, where it really looks good, and send it to myself.)


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Posted: Nov 2, 2004 06:03 PM          Msg. 38 of 66
yah, the forums (and the web) don't like ASCII text, which is what the file is going to be. Thus, I had to encode this as "code" to post to the forums. On the satellite box it will be essentially the same with regards to text formatting. Once thing we will be changing is we will take out the "$" from the tables to make a bit more room in the colums. Also, tweaking the size of the company name too which will most likely be truncated to 15 or 18 characters. The only other issue is going to be with some symbols, especially canadian. RTT uses a format of SYMBOL.TO format, and we use a cSYMBOL (for satellite) and C.SYMBOL (for Internet). Since RTT is creating this files, it will have their symbology and we won't be able to re-process it into our symbology like we do for the news feed we get from them.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Nov 3, 2004 02:15 PM          Msg. 39 of 66
Earnings Tables

This looks very good to me. How often will they be posted and updated on any given day? One time in the a.m., one in the EARLY afternoon and one time before the close of the market would be good enough for me.
Thanks for working so diligently on solving this problem.

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Posted: Nov 4, 2004 08:59 AM          Msg. 40 of 66
Quote: JAY:

So, what is happening on the Quarterly Earnings Reports? (and the market Statistics?) Anything or is it gone forever?

--- Original message by ED on Oct 11, 2004 01:54 PM
As I stated, I am working with RTT to see if they can populate the Earnings table. I can't give any assurance they can do it, but I am waiting to hear from them.

What market statistics are you talking about? If you are talking about the Open Interest numbers and such, we will start producing the text pages again sometime next week. However, in the mean time, the data is all available via programmable quote pages.

--- Original message by DTN_Jay_Froscheiser on Oct 11, 2004 02:02 PM
The Merc and CBOT volume and Open interest pages are now back on the Satellite system. We have moved them to the Derivatives Segment on pages 12 and 20. Page 12 has the Merc volume and open interest, while 20 has the CBOT and other exchanges.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Nov 4, 2004 04:15 PM          Msg. 41 of 66
Are the earnings tables now available? If so, where?

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Posted: Nov 9, 2004 03:45 PM          Msg. 42 of 66

What is happening with the Earning Reports?? It sounded like we were going to get the Earning Reports almost any day. Where will we find them??


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Posted: Nov 9, 2004 04:24 PM          Msg. 43 of 66
RTT thinks they will start delivering them to us in the next couple days. We have done as much development as we can here so we are ready, but once we start receiving the data we will have to test everything to make sure there aren't any issues. The Earnings will be sent to page 20 and 21 of Earnings and Company news. The current days report will be on page 20, and the previous days will be on page 21.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Nov 9, 2004 06:03 PM          Msg. 44 of 66
Will this table be available through IQFEED News or is it limited to your other products?

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Posted: Nov 15, 2004 01:43 PM          Msg. 45 of 66

Any help coming on the earnings reports and where to look?

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Posted: Nov 15, 2004 02:09 PM          Msg. 46 of 66
I contacted RTT this morning and they are still finishing up before starting to deliver to us. I follow up every day with them and am 'nearly' as anxious as everyone here. We have done all of our development to process the files, so we should only need minor testing by us before it goes live to customers. I will post here as soon as I start getting the file at which time I will have a good ETA. My hope is to have it this week, but then, I thought we would have had it a few weeks ago.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Nov 16, 2004 03:38 PM          Msg. 47 of 66

Thanks for the update and I appreciate your efforts as a liason with RTT....Steve

P.S. I still strongly believe that RTT should extend our subscriptions by whatever time it takes to put back the eanings tables that were IN PLACE when I originated my subscription. The loss of the earnimgs tables may have significantly hurt my business as an investor, since I relied on the tables as one of my initial screens of stocks. I would have gone to some other source and not have subscribed to DTN IQ if I had been told the tables were going to be eliminated. I am willing to wait for RTT to restore the tables, but I would not recommend DTN IQ to other invetsors unless they treat us with respect when our renewals come due.

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Posted: Nov 17, 2004 09:02 AM          Msg. 48 of 66
A page titled Todays Earnings Reports is now being transmitted to the Calendars and Reports segment. We will be tweaking things over the next several days, but we decided to go ahead and start sending the pages so you could see the progress.

The page will be updated once per hour (and thus, more often than we previously provided) and will continue to update day and night as earnings are released (previously we stopped updating the report after 5 pm). When the first earnings start coming in in the morning, we will roll the previous days report to another page so you will always have the current and previous days reports available.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Nov 17, 2004 10:14 AM          Msg. 49 of 66
Quote: Will this table be available through IQFEED News or is it limited to your other products?
--- Original message by battelle on Nov 9, 2004 06:03 PM
To answer my own question :)
It is available under Calendars and Reports\Todays Earnings Reports on IQFEED.

Great resource. Thanks!


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Posted: Nov 18, 2004 03:41 PM          Msg. 50 of 66
Finally we are back to where we were several months ago..
One suggestion however, since RTT is transmitting this date to DTN every hour or so.
Could you ask them to sort it before transmission.. Namely by symbol length, then by
symbol.. The result would make a much more user friendly display..
For example, C
I thank you and Ms. Frenchie thanks you..

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Posted: Nov 18, 2004 04:10 PM          Msg. 51 of 66
Check the list.. it's sorted by time--new entries on top. Sorting based on symbol (or worse symbol length, then symbol?) would drive me nuts.

Edited by battelle on Nov 18, 2004 at 04:15 PM

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Posted: Nov 19, 2004 01:40 PM          Msg. 52 of 66
I see your point about having the latest on top during the day, being updated once per hour.
However, I update earnings charts in the evening and normally trade only NYSE stocks.
I would find it easier if the last update of the day would be sorted by exchange and then alphabetically, symbol length would do that.. I find it time consuming to look through the many NASDAQ postings just to find NYSE postings..
NASDAQ listings all have 4 or 5 letters.. NYSE have 1 or 2 or 3.. I am not sure of what AMEX
has.. I just seemed a quick way to provide order to a random list for which time of posting has little meaning after the close or the next day..
Thanks for the input.

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Posted: Nov 19, 2004 04:26 PM          Msg. 53 of 66
Hi Jay,

Fantastic!!! Thank You. This has been very hard on me, trying to find the earning reports.

You have shifted the Earnings per Share two columns to the right, placing the decimal in column 31 instead of 29. I can re-write my program for this, if necessary. You also have 2 decimal places on the Net Earnings and the Revenue columns, whereas, you had only 1 before. (Of course, you need 2 decimal places on the Earnings per Share, as it was before.) However, you do not need 2 decimal places on the Net Earnings and the Revenue. In particular, this may lead to problem if you have 2 decimal places on the Revenue, since large companies like Intel, Microsoft, GM and Cisco may require more room for this column. I would suggest that at least the Revenue column have only 1 decimal place, using the same spacing.

What is the e on the Earnings list? Is that earnings Pro Forma?? I noticed that the Earning reports appear in two places (1) under either dtn news or RTT and the other (2) under calendars. The calendars listing goes away at round 9:30pm ET, but I can get the other one after 9:30pm ET.

Thank You. This is a great Relief, getting the earning reports. (I don't have to search for a new data source.) It has been a long long time, since September during a period which most of the 3rd quarter earning reports came out. This will effect my data for at least another quarter making it hard to be effective in my trading.


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Posted: Nov 23, 2004 10:43 AM          Msg. 54 of 66

We are still working on finalizing the positioning of the stories within segments. The best place to continue looking is the Calendars and Reports as that will be consistently there.

The (e) signifies that it is European and not quoting in US Dollars.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Dec 28, 2004 01:01 AM          Msg. 55 of 66
Hi Jay,

Have you finalized the positions of the columns in the Earning Reports? Before we had the Symbols start in Column 19, now they start in Column 20.
The Earnings per share had the decimal point in columns 29 and 37.
They are now in columns 31 and 40.

The Net Earnings and the Sales had a single decimal place now they have 2 decimal places.
The Net Earnings had the decimal point in columns 49 and 59
They are now in columns 49 and 58

The Sales had the decimal point in columns 68 and 77
They are now in columns 67 and 76

Since you are now using 2 decimal places for sales, the sales columns are in the same places as before with the decimal point appearing in columns 67 and 76. However, the Earnings per share has shifted the most and moving it back a couple spaces would be better. (You really don't need two decimal places on the sales- but it doesn't matter as long as there is room for companies like MSFT, IBM, GM etc. )


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Posted: Dec 30, 2004 11:23 AM          Msg. 56 of 66
Yes. The format of the file is in its final state.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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I'd rather be...

Posted: Dec 30, 2004 02:43 PM          Msg. 57 of 66

Is it possible that the symbols for the companies that are in the earnings report be included in the ":symbol:" section of the news headline? That would make it searchable on both your servers and my local database.

For example, the 'Today's Earnings Report' for 12/30/04 included CECX, Castle Energy. If you do a symbol headline search for CECX your server does not return the earnings report. To me this is a major oversight.

As a side issue, I would also like to be able to do searches on headlines for other key word(s) too - in the above case, a search for 'Earnings Report' would give me a list of the earnings headlines for a given period and I could then get the report to be able to parse the information into a local databank. I can do this on-the-fly now as the headlines come in, but if the program is off line then there is no retrieval mechanism.

Thanks for the consideration. I think it would be very helpful for all!

Finally, a happy and prosperous New Year to all!


IQXP Software

LiveWire Update Service
PO Box 1417
Fairfield, IA 52556

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Posted: Jan 18, 2005 03:38 PM          Msg. 58 of 66
I do not know if you watch the quarterly earnings, but not all of the earnings are being posted. AA was not, INTC was not.. Who knows how many others are being omitted?
I have the spectrum system but suspect the the Real Time people have the same problem..

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Posted: Jan 18, 2005 03:44 PM          Msg. 59 of 66
I will report this to RTT. I don't know about AA, but I do recall seeing INTC when it was reported (a week or so ago). Let us know if you see other missing so we can let RTT know about it.


Jay Froscheiser
DTN Market Access, LLC.

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Posted: Jan 20, 2005 10:20 AM          Msg. 60 of 66
Good Morning Jay,

The Real Time Trader Quarterly Earnings posting REALLY SUCKS ! ! !


Yesterday RTT missed JPM,QUAL,Southwest Airlines, Lucent, ect.. All reported in LA Times
Today.. IGT and many others.. only EIGHT (8) company earning reports shown..

RTT is nothing but a DOILY FOR YOUR MIND. . .
This is what I ment by front running in a prior post..

Please regain your prior quality,
Thank you,
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